Dr Heather McDowell
Heather has worked in private practice including as a report writer and expert witness in the Family Court and High Court. She has held positions at the Werry Centre being involved in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health certificate and diploma training programmes. She taught for 5 years on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme at the University of Auckland.
Heather worked for a number of years in the Child and Family Unit (inpatient child and adolescent mental health) and continues to work in the Starship Consult Liaison Team where has been for over 15 years.
Heather has a strong commitment to equity and to the well-being of systems – work teams as well as family/whānau within which individuals are held.
Heather worked for a number of years in the Child and Family Unit (inpatient child and adolescent mental health) and continues to work in the Starship Consult Liaison Team where has been for over 15 years.
Heather has a strong commitment to equity and to the well-being of systems – work teams as well as family/whānau within which individuals are held.